225 ■ GOLFOVÝ AREÁL, Brezinky (2007)
GOLF AREA, Brezinky
225 ■ Návrh – M.Šovčík, B.Somora, P.Záriš, B.Walton ■ Projekt – AMŠ Partners, a.s. – A.Gregorová ■ Design – M.Šovčík, B.Somora, P.Záriš, B.Walton ■ Project – AMŠ Partners a.s. – A.Gregorová ■
GOLF BREZINKY – Malebná krajina Muráňskej planiny. Mohutnosť a zároveň aj intimita a snivosť tohoto prostredia tvorí a neopakovateľný „Génius loci“ nového golfového areálu. Golfový návrhár a krajinár Bob Walton z USA vybral a navrhol prekrásne ihrisko a nám architektom vymedzil priestory pre naše aktivity. Snažili sme sa ponechať maximum z existujúcej krásy a zásahy do prostredia minimalizovať a realizovať ich harmonicky s okolím.
GOLF BREZINKY – The golf area is situated in the picturesque country of the Muráň plateau. The massive and, at the same time, the intimate and dreamy character of the environment create an unusual “genius loci” of the new golf area. The golf designer and landscape architect Bob Walton from the U.S.A. had chosen and designed a beautiful playing field and specified the scope for our activities. Our effort was aimed to keep the beauties of nature as much as possible, to intervene in the environment to a minimum, and to realize our works in harmony with the shape of the country.
Občianske stavby ■ Public buildings ...
GOLF AREA, Brezinky
225 ■ Návrh – M.Šovčík, B.Somora, P.Záriš, B.Walton ■ Projekt – AMŠ Partners, a.s. – A.Gregorová ■ Design – M.Šovčík, B.Somora, P.Záriš, B.Walton ■ Project – AMŠ Partners a.s. – A.Gregorová ■
GOLF BREZINKY – Malebná krajina Muráňskej planiny. Mohutnosť a zároveň aj intimita a snivosť tohoto prostredia tvorí a neopakovateľný „Génius loci“ nového golfového areálu. Golfový návrhár a krajinár Bob Walton z USA vybral a navrhol prekrásne ihrisko a nám architektom vymedzil priestory pre naše aktivity. Snažili sme sa ponechať maximum z existujúcej krásy a zásahy do prostredia minimalizovať a realizovať ich harmonicky s okolím.
GOLF BREZINKY – The golf area is situated in the picturesque country of the Muráň plateau. The massive and, at the same time, the intimate and dreamy character of the environment create an unusual “genius loci” of the new golf area. The golf designer and landscape architect Bob Walton from the U.S.A. had chosen and designed a beautiful playing field and specified the scope for our activities. Our effort was aimed to keep the beauties of nature as much as possible, to intervene in the environment to a minimum, and to realize our works in harmony with the shape of the country.